Books – Why Are They So Hard To Let Go
Books! We try to figure out whodunit in mysteries, love being surprised by unexpected plot twists and turns in suspense novels, read about the lives of celebrities, students learn great American classics. They lift our spirits, make us laugh or…
Got Clothes Clutter–14 Excellent Sources to Donate or Sell
Do you have clothes clutter? Yes. We all do. Clients who hired me as their professional organizer didn’t know how or where to start, needed someone with them, didn’t make time or avoided making decisions. I help people get organized…
Tips to Organize Your Life in Photos
A mom hired me to organize decades of disorganized, printed photos kept in mangled boxes tossed in an unused closet. For her daughter’s Sweet 16 birthday, mom wanted to give her a precious photo from each year since birth. She…
Too Much to do? How to Get More Done in Less Time
Why are some people able to get more done in less time? What’s their secret? No secret. They’ve mastered how to manage their time. What is Time Management Simply put, it means to effectively manage your time to do what…
Happy Announcements
Marie Kondo: Fad or Trend? Thoughts from a Pro Organizer
Fall in Love With Your Home Again
Do you still fall in love with your home when you walk in the door? Does it feel warm and welcoming? Or does it feel disorganized, chaotic and uncomfortable? Do you invite people to visit or would you rather clean…
Make 2019 YOUR Year to Get Organized
Happy New Year! Organizing has come a long, long way since 2000 when I started An Organized Approach – most people didn’t even have home computers! According to (12.27.18): Wanting to get organized is the second of the top…
Junk Drawer: Organize it in Just 15 Minutes
Junk drawer—love it or hate it The holiday season is here. Lots to do. Too little time. You’re wrapping gifts and preparing goodie bags with name tags. But you can’t find scissors, tape or stapler in your junk drawer. Next…
6 Top Excuses for Not Getting Organized
“If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you’ll find an excuse.” – Ryan Blair Entering my 19th year as an organizing consultant, I’ve heard many excuses for not getting organized. Some are legitimate reasons.…
Protect Your Credit and Improve Credit Score-2 NEW Ways
5 Mistakes That Reduce Productivity
Michael was overwhelmed when he contacted me for help to organize his office. He wasn’t satisfied with his productivity and couldn’t figure out what to do. I heard the frustration in his voice as we spoke. Having helped many people…