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My Site was Hacked — Is YOUR Site Protected?

My website was hacked in January, even though I'm uber careful about clicking on any links. After that, it was hacked constantly for months. To make things worse, my (now former) hosting company was unable to restore my site from…

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Protect Your Medical Records (Feb. 24, 2015)

February is American Heart Month. That got me thinking about health in general, then about medical records. How accurate are they? Shockingly, not enough! Years ago I needed the baseline x-ray of my lumbar spine from my hospital’s radiology department…

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Is Your Data Safe? Maybe Not!

Most people think of natural disasters when discussing national preparedness but I think you’ll agree that losing your device would qualify as a disaster! You may not be able to prevent losing your device but you can protect your data…

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Think You’re Safe Online?

Were you as shocked as I was to learn last week that hackers stole 6.5 million LinkedIn users' passwords and posted them online? These security breaches should scare you! They certainly scare me. According to Digital Trends, a surprising number…

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