Having two risk factors, I’m being very careful. In the beginning of COVID-19, rare trips outside the house were limited to grocery and drug stores. I wondered what to do about medical appointments during COVID-19 because my annual physical and gynecology checkups, tests, doctors’ and routine dental appointments were scheduled soon.
When most medical offices were mandated to be closed, the decision was made for me. But due to oral surgery just before the PA shutdown, post-ops were necessary. I wasn’t happy about going but was relieved by the practice’s precautions and secretly amused to see the oral surgeon in full PPE instead of his usual street clothes.
Next, I saw my primary doctor and gynecologist. My primary doctor said that right now we have a window of time for medical appointments during COVID-19 before it collides with flu season. So I rescheduled the rest for September and October.
Being a news junkie, what I heard lately, and especially today, is frightening. Too many people aren’t following public health officials’ advice to wear masks and socially distance, sometimes standing shoulder to shoulder in large groups. Many states opened too early with lax rules. There’s no national leadership.
Here are some recent (rounded) statistics from ABC News and CDC.
- Worldwide, 10 million infections and 505,000 deaths
- U.S. has had 2.6 million cases and 126,000 deaths, we’re 5% of the world’s population and 25% of the world’s COVID deaths!
- Cases in 32 states are rising – some at an alarming rate
- Recent ABC News/Washington Post poll: 25% of Americans are unlikely to get a COVID vaccine
- The EU is not allowing U.S. travelers
- If behaviors are unchanged, the current trend indicates the U.S. could have 500,000 dead Americans!
- W.H.O. chief warns this is not even close to being over and said, “The worst is yet to come”
- Anthony Fauci says we may have one or more effective vaccines by the end of 2020 or beginning of 2021
Why am I telling you all this? Because I’m reversing course. Because I care about you and your future—and that you have a future! I’ve moved up my medical appointments and rescheduled them for July. I suggest you take a moment to review your calendar to see what upcoming appointments (medical or other) are scheduled. Decide your comfort level – whether to move them up or leave as is. No one has a crystal ball but the trend for the foreseeable future has become pretty obvious. Please wear a face covering and socially distance to protect yourself, your loved ones and the general public. Stay safe and stay well.